Project: Mark making

This project was to try stippling, crosshatching and dry-brushing.

Here are my attempts:



I wasn’t happy with the crosshatching attempt so I tried again and tried to make it neater:

crosshatching 2


I wasn’t sure where to begin with stippling, I really like the effect of stippling in drawings but I avoid it myself because I don’t have the patience for it and it gives me anxiety that I’ll make a dash rather than a dot. I found using a 0.8 pen to make the process a lot easier. I found examples of stippling, crosshatching and dry-brush exercises online and followed them:


As you can see, the dry-brush exercises didn’t make a particular shape so I chose to try a spherical shape. I found using a dry brush you could also very easily make stippling and crosshatching effects with much less effort! This was a very pleasant surprise. I wouldn’t naturally choose to use a dry-brush technique but after this exercise I think I will make use of it much more often.

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